February 2023 Newsletter
February 2023 Bells & Bars
The Monthly CFTC Newsletter
CFTC Team-
Happy February! Thanks to Coach Abbey for a great shot of the 5:30PM class earlier this month.
You may have seen some notices about the CrossFit Open going around. If you're new to CrossFit, what the CrossFit Open means to your daily CFTC experience is that workouts on Fridays on 2/17, 2/24 and 3/3 will be the same workout performed at CrossFit gyms around the world. Even if you don't do any more than show up, it's pretty awesome to be involved with something like that. For those that want to have some additional support and cheering, we'll have scored sessions that meet at 6:30PM on Fridays for those same weeks. We'd love for some more people to join in for these high-energy sessions. If that sounds fun (or scary), you're the perfect candidate. Sign up here >>
For February, the rest of the highlights are:
CrossFit Open is around the corner, three weeks to Revere Your Fitness
Check out some great nutrition tips from Coach Cece below
CrossFit Teens - bring a friend on Monday, 2/6
Love CFTC? Remember to leave a review.
-Jon & Marcus
The Open at CrossFit Tysons - "Revere Your Fitness"
What does it mean to revere your fitness? To revere means to honor, to admire. And we respect our fitness by trying our best for three weeks to see what we're capable of leading into and executing those three weeks.
Sign up for Friday Night Lights where we'll form teams and encourage each other to have your best Open
All are invited to a post-workout hangout on 3/3 following the last workout
CFTC Teens Bring a Friend Day
Teens meet Mondays in February, and for the first week, on 2/6, we'd love for you to check out a class. All CFTC community is encouraged to check out a class for 50% off a trial class. Use code TEENSFRIEND2023. Teens Bring a Friend Day Sign Up >>
Programming Corner
We continue a "Fitness" phase that runs through February. In addition, we will be adding completing CFTC benchmark workouts to help you track your fitness progress.
What's a CFTC Benchmark?
CrossFit Tysons has created nine workouts named after attractions local to the area that will help you understand your current fitness level.
The CFTC 9 Trials are below. Can you guess what each entails?:
Trial No. 1: "Term Limit" - completed on 12/31/22
Trial No. 2: "Potomac View" - last completed on 1/26/21
Trial No. 3: "Red Line" - last completed on 1/30/23
Trial No. 4: "Billy Goal Trail" - last completed on 1/7/22
Trial No. 5: "Wolf Trap" - last completed on 1/19/22
Trial No. 6: "Monument" - last completed on 1/19/21
Trial No. 7: "Shenandoah" - last completed on 1/28/20
Trial No. 8: "495" - last completed on 1/7/21
Trial No. 9: "Commander in Chief" - last completed on 1/7/22
Nutrition Tips from Coach Cece
Although you may not see her in person too often, Coach Cece has been sharing lots of great nutrition tips via our instagram page. Check out a few quick links and feel free to drop a question in the comments!
If you're interested in personal nutrition coaching, check out more details >>
February Schedule
On Presidents Day - Monday 2/20 - the following classes are cancelled, all other classes held as normal:
6:30AM Group CrossFit
6:30PM Group CrossFit
7:30PM Teens
Friday Night Lights
No regular 6:30PM class on 2/17, 2/24 and 3/3. Gym will be used for CrossFit Open scored sessions. Come out and cheer us on if you're not participating!
Congrats to the current Nutrition for Performance participants. All are doing great, stick with it for a few more weeks through the Open!
Coach's Eye - Coach Victor
Congrats to Coach Victor - he recently finished up night classes to improve his emergency response education. If you didn't know, Coach Victor is a full-time firefighter in Virginia and uses CrossFit to excel on the job. If you know someone interested in getting physically ready to pass the Physical Assessment Test for firefighting, Victor would love to help.