Get. Strong.

CFTC Lift Overview

Metabolism slowing? Fighting muscle loss that comes with age? Concerned about bone health as you age?

All these concerns can be met by committing to a regular strength training program.

New option! Check out a single trial class and if you want to continue, we’ll apply that amount to the remaining class sessions. Get 10% off this option for a limited time.

Strength training meets small group coaching.

CFTC LIFT prepares participants to gain strength through improving the Olympic weightlifting movements of the Clean & Jerk and the Snatch. In addition, each class now includes a powerlifting movement (squat, deadlift or press) to build overall strength.

Whether you have never touched a barbell or are a veteran, we will work on technique from the ground up and the small class size will meet you where you are in your abilities. Sign up for the next session before the spots are full.

The next 5-week session is led by a Certified CrossFit Coach.

We hope you can join us!

Times: Saturdays, 2:00PM

  • Classes will start Saturday March 22, 2024 for a 5-week session

    • The full class schedule is: 3/22 - 4/19

  • Price:

    • Non-members: $123 for the 5-week session for those without an ongoing monthly membership ($119 with auto-renew)

    • Members: $64 for the 5-week session for members

    • Limited Time: New 3x per week memberships can be used for this offering

  • Note: Spots are limited to 8 participants, sign up before the spots are full

The class will focus on:

  • Building strength with progressive programming without the pressures of a timed workout

  • One compound lift (squat, deadlift or press) per session

  • Indivual instruction on one Olympic lift drill or complex per session

  • Some accessory work per session

  • Led by Coach Laura

  • The standard CFTC group class strives to create general physical preparedness, and these classes are created for everyone. With weightlifting, however, we are all starting at a different place in our abilities, mobility, and strength numbers. Each CFTC Barbell Club session will be led by a CrossFit certified coach with programs created with USAW competitions in mind. Several of our staff have their USAW L1 and L2 credential. Each week will have enough time and small classes to allow for video review and adjusting the focus of the day if needed to focus on what you need as an athlete.

  • CFTC LIFT will program on 4-6-week cycles. This allows us to benchmark the major lifts at the end of the cycle so that we can measure progress more effectively. It can be a grind to show up every week and feel like you’re doing the same thing every time. With 4-6 week cycles, it also allows us to add variance to the programming with a specific programming focus for 4-6 weeks.

  • As CFTC LIFT grows, we will invest in dedicated equipment needed for the programming and technique drills.

    We will continue to improve the equipment available, and the more people who show up, the faster we can make these changes.

    Oly-specific equipment:

    Women’s American Barbell training bar

    Rogue fractional plates

    Selection of group class barbells