June 2023 Newsletter
A few shots from our Murph event on Monday, 5/29. Nice work to everyone who came out! See below some more photos.
June 2023 Bells & Bars
The Monthly CFTC Newsletter
The start of 9:30AM Murph on 5/29/23
CFTC Team-
The summer is in full swing now, and we have one big ask of you. We celebrate this week with a thank you dinner for our coaches. Please share your favorite memory or quality about your favorite CFTC coach before Thursday 6/8.
Murph was a great event this past Monday with over twenty people completing the workout over the weekend (shout-out to the Friday evening crew who did it early), and we all ended with smiles and remembrances for fallen soldiers.
Keep reading for some other news and notes.
For June, the rest of the highlights are:
Coach Celebration - Tell Your Coach Thank You - We will have a coach's dinner to say thank you to our coaches on Thursday, June 8. Share a few words for what you love most about one or more coaches and we'll share it with them. Note the 6:30PM class on 6/8 will be abbreviated and end at 7:00PM. Share here >>
Summer Turn Up - Turn up the music, and just turn up to your classes. Like last year, we want to encourage everyone to keep coming out to the gym in the summer. We will have three tiers of prizes for those with the highest attendance in June, July and August. Stay tuned to social media for progress tracking. Follow CFTC >>
Join in June - Get a friend to sign up by June and get a month free! Sign up >>
Love CFTC? Remember to leave a review.
-Jon & Marcus
Coach Appreciation Dinner - Thursday 6/8
We will have an appreciation dinner with coaches and owners. While we can't invite the whole gym, we would love to pass on your fond memories and highlights of our coaches.
Note Thursday 6:30PM class on 6/8 will be an abbreviated 30 minute class
Summer Happy Hour - Date TBD
We are planning on a summer happy hour since there are a lot of new faces around, and we'd love to get to know everyone better. Stay tuned for more details. If you have an idea for a great bar or place to gather, let us know :)
Programming Corner
The next programming phase is a strength-building phase with the goal to "get stronger while still maintaining a good level of fitness".
Upcoming Benchmarks:
@90% or Above:
Box Back Squat - Mon. 6/12
Jerk - Fri. 6/16
"Grace" - Mon. 6/12
30 Clean and Jerks (135/95) for Time
"Nasty Girls" - Fri. 6/16
3 Rounds For Time:
50 Air Squats
7 Muscle-Ups
10 Hang Power Cleans (135/95)
Join by June - Promotion for new members through the end of June
Help people find CFTC - receive a free month! For those with an existing unlimited monthly membership, receive a free month when a friend signs up for a membership.
The best way you can support CFTC is to be a great example of fitness by showing up, and after that, let the people you care know about what you experience at CFTC and bring them along for the ride.
Welcome to Summer Hires and Interns!
We are excited to welcome college students and interns who are in the Northern Virginia area for the summer. If you have a valid student ID, we welcome you to sign up for this 10-week option that provides access to any of our normal Group CrossFit classes.
Coach's Eye - Chris D.
Although he has a hectic travel schedule, Chris is a steadfast part of the 5:30PM class. The workout may get some commentary, but Chris puts in his best effort and will speed through the run, so get him on your team if you want to share the metcon load. Keep up the hard work Chris!