October 2023 Newsletter
October 2023 Bells & Bars
The Monthly CFTC Newsletter
CFTC Team-
Let's keep the intro short and sweet this month - we're in the heart of Fall, and we're excited to kickoff our revised quarterly progress check-ins which starts with the CFTC Baseline workout this Wednesday. Although it's a simple workout, it's something we will repeat 2x per year to concretely track how we're progressing.
We'd also love for everyone to join us for some apple picking this coming Saturday. Details below.
For October, the rest of the highlights are:
Join us for Apple Picking Saturday 10/7 at 11:00AM - Meet at the gym if you're interested. Be sure to send a quick note to the gym to let us know to wait for you. See destination below.
CrossFit Kids continue through 10/29 - sign up here for individual classes
Progress check-ins... in progress - The first batch of progress check-in appointments have been sent out. We're going through our member list alphabetically with 4-5 appointments scheduled each week. Be on the lookout!
New equipment received - We hope you've enjoyed the new slam balls, medicine balls, additional ab mats and bands.
Love CFTC? Remember to leave a review.
-Jon & Marcus
Join us for Apple Picking Saturday 10/7 at 11:00AM - Meet at the gym if you're interested. Be sure to send a quick note to the gym to let us know to wait for you. Destination is Marker-Miller Orchards in Winchester, VA. Sign up via email >>
Thanks to local fitness dance club Sensazao for joining for a private sample CrossFit class. Member Nathalie offered CFTC's services to introduce like-minded fitness folks to CrossFit! They had a great time and may stop by in the future for a drop-in class. Sensazao meets right up the road in Tysons and offer a great dance/cardio workout (not your average Zumba class). Do you have a local group you'd like to introduce to CrossFit? Let us know >>
Programming Corner
The current programming phase is a gymnastics-focused phase.
Dates: Mon, Sep. 18 - Oct. 22
In this short training cycle, athletes will be exposed to a dosage of gymnastics volume based on a mix of maximum repetitions and high intensity.
Phase Overview
We will focus on base movements that have transferability throughout most other gymnastics movements.
Just like when we use basic lifts in a strength cycle. These movements are:
pull up/chest to bar pull up
handstand push up/ push up
ring muscle up
toes to bar
CFTC Baseline workout this Wednesday 10/4 All Classes - The baseline workout consists of foundational CrossFit movements with a chance to prove your ability to grind. Be sure to be honest with your movement quality with this one, listen to your coach for tips on great V-ups. Don't have pull-ups yet? Use our current gymnastics cycle to focus on developing this skill and we'll test again in the future!
CFTC Progress process - As a reminder, we have been gradually revising our onboarding and quarterly check-in process to ensure we're meeting your fitness goals. The first batch of progress check-in appointments have been sent out. Appointments will be 4:30PM in person on Thursdays or 4:30PM via phone call on Fridays. We're going through our member list alphabetically with 4-5 appointments scheduled each week. Be on the lookout! CFTC's approach to fitness can be summarized as follows: Comprehensive and personalized fitness for all levels
Free trial session with dedicated coach
Group classes, private training, or punch-card options
Encouragement to commit to two months of consistent attendance
Quarterly benchmarks and progress checks
Individual coaching to fine-tune plans and ensure meaningful progress
CrossFit Kids continues through 10/29 this Fall! - Sign up by 9/6
Only a few spots remaining. Sign up for a single class >>
Coach's Eye - ClassPass
Did you know that most of CFTC's classes are open to ClassPass users? We have a few regular attendees - Shakira, Shuying and others. Thank you for finding us! Of course, we'd love for everyone to eventually become a member, but we're glad to keep our classes full and lively. If you already have ClassPass our know someone who does, they can find us here >>